So you are interested in dynamics? You have come to the right place!
To use free-body diagrams and Newton’s second law to analyze the motion of an object moving along an inclined plane. To conduct a Newton’s second law analysis of a two-body system that includes two objects connected by a rope that is stretched over a pulley (e.g. The Physics Classroom » Concept Builders » Forces in 2-Dimensions » FBDs for Inclined Planes The Free-Body Diagrams for Inclined Planes Concept Builder challenges a learner to utilize an understanding of force types in order to construct a free-body diagram for an object moving along an inclined plane. An inclined plane, also known as a ramp, is a flat supporting surface tilted at an angle, with one end higher than the other, used as an aid for raising or lowering a load. The inclined plane is one of the six classical simple machines defined by Renaissance scientists. Inclined planes are widely used to move heavy loads over vertical obstacles. The Physics Classroom » Curriculum Corner » Forces in Two Dimensions » Inclined Plane Analysis The document shown below can be downloaded and printed. Teachers are granted permission to use them freely with their students and to use it as part of their curriculum. Each interactive concept-builder presents learners with carefully crafted questions that target various aspects of a discrete concept. There are typically multiple levels of difficulty and an effort to track learner progress at each level. Question-specific help is provided for the struggling learner; such help consists of short explanations of how to approach the situation.
Welcome to the Adams Getting Started page.
With Adams you can study all things dynamic, vibration, function, interaction, rigid and flexible.
On this page:
- Use Adams before you open your CAD product
Download and install the free Adams Student version
To obtain a student version of Adams, go to MSC Sofware, register as a student by uploading an image of your valid student card and download the student version.
After downloading or obtaining a copy of the install file, watch this video on how to install Adams and test your installation with your very own first simulation.
Design with Adams, not with CAD
Read this blog first to see how using Adams before using your CAD tool will save you a lot of time. The argument is that your idea or concept will change a number of times and if you invest time in creating a 3D model in CAD first, you will be reluctant to make many changes to it afterwards. If you simulate your idea or concept first, in Adams, using simple geometry bodies, you will get a better understanding about how it works and be able to identify problems very quickly and be able to change the design within seconds and re-evaluate it immediately. If you want to first update your detailed CAD model, you will waste valuable time that could be better spend improving the design or overall idea.
After improving the design up to a point where there is not much more to improve on, then you can export the simple geometry of your model to your CAD system, create geometry that considers manufacturability and interference, import it back into your Adams model and replace your concept geometry with your actual geometry. With the updated mass and inertias now very accurate, you can re-analyse your model and check for any significant problems or required changes. At this point, any changes required to the CAD model will be minor and you would have reached a much better design in a fraction of the time someone else would who started creating detailed CAD geometry first.
Read the article here using the design of an ancient catapult as an example.
Getting started tutorials
Now that you have Adams installed, get started by following these easy tutorials:
More advanced tutorials:
- ...more to follow on design of experiments (DOE), Monte Carlo Simulations and more Optimization and design exploration techniques
Apps on physics simulations are for teaching and learning basic physics.
Apps on Physics can be downloaded from
Contributors, Content Editors, and Reviewers
The Spoken Tutorial Effort for Apps on Physics is being contributed by Ms. Himanshi Karwanje and Ms. Madhuri Ganapathi from IIT Bombay.
Learners - Secondary and higher secondary students, and teachers.
Basic Level
1. Simple Machines
- Define a Pulley
- Demonstrate the working of a pulley system
- Calculate the necessary force to pull the load
- Demonstrate the working of a lever
- Define a torque
- Demonstrate how to achieve a balance condition
2. Inclined Plane
- Define an inclined plane
- Uses of an inclined plane
- Explanation of Inclined Plane App interface
- Demonstrate the motion of the load on an inclined plane
- About force vectors

- Change in the angle of inclination from 0 degrees to 90 degrees
- About inclination angle
- Resolution of parallel and perpendicular vectors
- Calculate the resolution of gravity forces
- Observe the effect of friction on an inclined plane
3. Linear Motion
- Demonstrate the motion of a car with a constant acceleration
- State Newton's first law of motion
- Explain the following graphs
- Position v/s time
- Velocity v/s time
- Acceleration v/s time
- Calculate the position and velocity using equation of motion
- Demonstrate the setup of an air track glider
- State Newton's second law of motion

- Verify Newton's second law of motion
4. Forces
- About the App interface
- Demonstrate addition of vectors
- Explain triangle law of vectors
- Change the magnitude of vectors and show the formation of resultant vector
- Explain polygon law of vectors
- Define equilibrium of forces
- Show a simple experiment to achieve an equilibrium condition
- Show changes in the angles as force changes
5. Kepler’s laws
- Explanation of Kepler's Laws App interfaces
- Define Kepler’s first law
- Demonstrate Kepler's first law
- Define Aphelion and Perihelion distances
- Calculate Aphelion and Perihelion distances
- About Halley’s comet
- Define orbital period
- Define Kepler’s second law
- Demonstrate Kepler's second law
- Show the direction of velocity vector
- Compare the velocities of different planets
6. Circular motion
- Explain the App interface
- Demonstrate uniform circular motion
- Define uniform circular motion
- Show how position, velocity, acceleration and force vary with time
- Define angular velocity and angular acceleration
- Solve numericals based on angular velocity and angular acceleration
Force Inclined Plane
- Demonstrate the motion of a Carousel
- Change different parameters shown in the Carousel App
- Define centripetal force
- Solve a numerical based on centripetal force
7. Sound waves
- About the App interface

- Simulate the formation of a standing wave
- Define and explain a node and an antinode
- Simulate harmonics of a standing wave
- Show different vibrational modes of standing waves
- About constructive interference of sound waves
- About destructive interference of sound waves
- Define wavelength and frequency
- Calculate the wavelength of a standing wave

- Calculate the frequency of a standing wave
8. Reflection and Refraction
- About App interfaces
- Simulate reflection and refraction of light ray
- Define the Snell’s law
- Change the medium and angle of incidence to verify Snell's law
- Verify the formation of total internal reflection
- Verify the formation of critical angle
- Calculate the critical angle and tabulate the results
- About reflection and refraction of waves by Huygens’ principle
- Show the formation of secondary wavefront
- Change in the speed and wavelength with respect to the medium
Intermediate Level
1. Convex Lenses
- About App interface

- Image formation using a convex lens
- Change the focal length in the App
- Change the object distance and object height in the App
- Determine the characteristics of the image formed
- Determine the position of the image formed
- About the ray diagram
- Calculate the magnification of refracting astronomical telescope
- Calculate the length of telescope tube
2. Interference and Diffraction
- About App interface
- Change the wavelength and width of slit
- Interpret the interference pattern
- About constructive and destructive interference
- Verify the relation between wavelength and relative intensity
- Tabulate the values of relative intensity, maxima and minima
- Calculate angle for a given maxima using the condition for maxima
- Interpret diffraction intensity profile
- Verify the relation between wavelength and angle in diffraction
3. Magnetism and Electromagnetism
- Draw magnetic field lines for a bar magnet
- Verify Right hand thumb rule
- Verify Fleming’s Left hand rule
Adams Tutorial Series 2: Inclined Plane Base
- Verify Fleming’s Right hand rule
- Specify the direction of the induced current
- Define a generator
- Simulate the working of a generator
- About commutator
- Show changes in the voltage v/s time graph in the DC generator
- Show the voltage v/s time graph in the AC generator
4. Ohm's Law and its Applications
Adams Tutorial Series 2: Inclined Plane Graphing
- About App interfaces
- Change the voltage and observe the change in the current
- Verify Ohm’s law
- Draw a graph to find the relation between voltage and current
Adams Tutorial Series 2: Inclined Planes
- Solve a numerical based on Ohm’s law
- Convert ampere to milli-ampere
- Make a tabular column to show the values of voltage and current
- Solve a numerical based on series and parallel combination
- Show how to connect ammeter and voltmeter in the circuit
- Calculate the value of current in the circuit
5. Wheatstone's Bridge and Potentiometer
- About App interfaces
- Define a galvanometer
- Illustrate circuit connections of wheatstone’s bridge
- Change the resistance of the comparable resistor
- Calculate the value of unknown resistance in a wheatstone’s bridge
- Illustrate circuit connections of potentiometer
- Tabulate the values of resistance, voltage and length
Adams Tutorial Series 2: Inclined Plane Seat
- Study the graph of voltage v/s length
- Calculate the value of voltage using Ohm’s law
- Solve a numerical based on potentiometer
Contributors and Content Editors
Karwanjehimanshi95, Madhurig