Blockbmy Site

“How to block internet access to specific program” was the subject of the email that I got last night from one of my readers. I decide to write a column about this.

  1. Block Site Microsoft Edge Extension
  2. Block Some Sites My Computer
  3. Block Mystery Crew Dracula Walkthrough
  4. How To Block Websites On Chrome
  5. Block Site Microsoft Edge
  6. Block My Site
  7. Site Block Chrome Extension

Block Site Microsoft Edge Extension

Due to various reasons, we want to block internet access to our computer or sometimes we want to block internet access to program level. Another two types of blocking internet access are user level blocking and website level internet access blocking.

Block redirect to my site

The Freedom iOS app will block apps and websites based on your custom blocklist, and can be used simultaneously in sessions with your Mac or Windows computer or any number of other devices. The Freedom Android app will block apps of your choice, and like any of the other Freedom apps, initiate or sync with your Freedom sessions if you choose. Choose a website from the list that appears, and you can toggle permissions like notifications, camera access, and access to the full screen mode on or off. To cancel all the permissions a site.

Reasons behind blocking internet access are very simple. In case of your home PC, your child might install a malicious program that can harm your computer (if he has full internet access). Sometimes, they want to access adult websites, and that is not desirable to you. Some installed program on your computer might cost your internet bandwidth in the background and at the end of the month it ends up with a huge internet bill. So, you definitely want to block internet access to programs those consume internet bandwidth.

How to Block or Disable Internet Connection in Windows 7/8.1/10

Method 1 – Disable Specific Internet Connection in Windows 10/8.1/7: You can block internet connection to your computer. Steps are as follows.

  1. Press Windows+R to open Run dialogue box.
  2. Type ncpa.cpl and press Enter.
  3. A network connection’s window will appear. You can see all the available network there.
  4. Select the connection you want to disable, right click on it and choose Disable option.

This will disable the internet connection and to unblock the connection follow these steps and at the end choose ‘Enable’ option to make the connection re-enable.

Method 2 – How to Block Internet Access Using Parental Control: By creating a child account in your Windows 10/8.1 Pc, you can easily limit internet access. You can disable the internet access for that account if you wish. Otherwise, you can create an allowed list.

  1. Open Control Panel and Navigate to User Account sand Family Safety > Family Safety > Set up Family Safety for any user.
  2. Select the account where to block or restrict internet access.
  3. Choose Family Safety: On, Activity report: On.
  4. Now, under Windows setting navigate to Web Filtering.
  5. You will find the option “Which websites can view” and choose “Can only use the websites I allow”.
  6. Select “Allow or Block specific websites” and create an allowed websites list and blocked websites list there.

Method 3 – Block Any Website Using System Hosts File of PC: This is the easiest way to block any website.

  1. Navigate to C:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts
  2. Open it using Notepad.
  3. Edit the website name and IP address here and save the file.

Block Some Sites My Computer

Method 4 – Block Internet Access by setting up a Fake Proxy Server: If you configure Internet explorer setting with a fake proxy server, it will block all website access to your Pc. Let’s see how to configure a fake proxy server to block web access in internet explorer.

  1. Open Internet Explorer and Navigate to Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings.
  2. Tick “use a proxy server for your LAN” and use any fake IP address. Save it.
  3. It will block all the internet connection from your Windows PC.

Your child is smart enough to revert the fake proxy setting. So, follow some additional registry tweaks so that you can block the access of ‘Internet Options’.

  1. Open registry editor and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerRestrictions [If you don not find the registry keys there, create it and give the name as mentioned above].
  2. Create a new DWORD-32 value and give it a name NoBrowserOptions and change the value data to ‘1’.
  3. Now, under Internet Explorer key create a new sub-key ‘Control Panel’, create new DWORD 32 bit value ‘ConnectionsTab’ and set the value to ‘1’.
  4. That’s it, now no one without administrative privilege can change proxy setting.

If, anyone will try to change the proxy setting, the following pop-up will appear.

A Geek can bypass it, but I think your children can’t. Any one can unblock websites by using online, free proxy.

Method 5 – Disable All Internet Connections: This is another useful method to block internet access from a computer or PC. For this you need to to disable network adapter drivers and thus you can stop internet access to your Pc successfully.

  1. Press Windows+R to open ‘Run’ dialogue box.
  2. Type mmc compmgmt.msc and press Enter.
  3. It will open ‘Computer Management’.
  4. Choose ‘Device Manager’ from the left pane and select ‘Network Adapters’.
  5. From the listed adapters, choose any one that you want to disable.
  6. Right-click on it and select Disable option to make it disable.

To enable the network adapter, just follow the steps and choose ‘Enable’ option instead.

How to Block Internet Access to Program in Windows 10, 7 and Windows 8.1

Method 6 – Windows Firewall can Block Internet Access of a Program: As we all know, Windows firewall provides packet filtering and fire-walling. You can block a specific application from having access to the internet. For this, you need to create a separate fire-walling rule. Now, see how to block internet access to Windows 10, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 programs.

  1. Navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall.
  2. From the left pane of the Firewall window, choose ‘Advanced Setting’.
  3. Select Inbound setting > New rule > Choose Program > Browse and choose the program path.
  4. Select the .exe file that you want to block internet access and choose “Block the connection”
  5. Give this rule a name and save the rule.

Thus, you can enable or disable any internet access to a specific Windows program.

Method 7 – Use Parental Control Software to Block Internet Access to Programs (Third-party software): As I have mentioned earlier in this topic about blocking internet access to programs, all the methods were the manual way to disable internet access. However, there is an automatic solution too. Some third-party software might play the trick for you. Those are mainly firewall based parental control software that enables or disables internet access to your device or to any specific program. Internet Lock is the best in my directory that can do all the necessary things for you, and you just need to install the application. Internet Lock has the below-mentioned feature, which helps control internet connections and internet access to programs.

  • Block internet access.
  • Make internet access password protected.
  • You can schedule the internet access for any installed programs.
  • It can create a blacklist to block websites.
  • Internet Lock can prevent any user from accessing internet service. Same thing is applicable to the Groups also.

How to password protect internet access using Internet Lock? Open Internet Lock and navigate to ‘Rules’ tab. Click ‘Add’ button to add a new rule. Select “Create a new rule manually”. Give the rule a name and choose a password. Then choose what you want to protect. You can block internet access to a program, ports, IP/Domains, Users, etc. by choosing any of them.

Method 8 – Block Any Windows Application from Accessing the Internet Using ‘OneClickFirewall’:OneClickFirewall is a tiny but useful Windows application that lets you block or allow the internet connection for a particular software or Windows application. This is a separate Windows firewall application which actually uses the Microsoft’s built-in Windows Firewall. The application is a freeware and you can install it in any Windows OS like Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 etc.

Block Mystery Crew Dracula Walkthrough

The application does not provide any interface after installation. You just get two options at Windows right-click context menu. The options are as follows — (1) Block Internet Access (2) Restore Internet Access.

Just right-click on an executable file (.exe file), and select “Block internet access” from the context menu. That’s it. The program automatically creates a new outbound rule for the program and restrict the internet access for it. I have tested the software with Google Chrome browser and got the following message when trying to access the internet using the browser: “Your Internet Access is Blocked“.

However, you can disable the restriction any time by pressing the “Restore Internet Access” option. You can download the tool from the URL mentioned below.

Effect of Blocking Internet Access (Things to Remember):

  1. Disable internet access to a specific program means the program can run without any internet connection.
  2. No update is required for that particular program.
  3. Check firewall exceptions for unauthorized windows programs.
  4. Every method which I have mentioned above is reversible.


You can configure internet access filtering using most of the popular internet security software. In case, you are using such application on your computer, then you should be conscious enough before using the application and should know how to configure your PC to block internet connection properly.

Also useful:Fix no internet and wi-fi problem in Windows 7, Windows 10

What is the Google Blacklist?

Understanding the Google Blacklist

Google is the most used search engine in the world and is committed to providing its users a safe online experience. To achieve this, it has invested resources in identifying and flagging any potentially malicious websites by “blacklisting” them. This is meant to tell the user to move forward with caution, notify the website owner of an issue, and simultaneously impede the attacker’s intentions.

When a search engine blacklists a website, it refers to the process of them removing a website from their index. When a website is blacklisted, it usually loses nearly 95% of its organic traffic, which quickly impacts sales and revenue.

How to Check If Your Site Is Blacklisted

Do you want to know your website’s malware or blacklisting status? Our Sucuri SiteCheck scanner will check for blacklisting status and visible malware incursions. Click here to run a report, or if you run a WordPress site, install our free WordPress security plugin to automate your security scans.

Blockbmy Site

Why Sites Get Blacklisted

Sites are blacklisted when authorities — such as Google, Bing, Norton Safe Web, McAfee SiteAdvisor, etc. — find irregularities on a website that they believe to be malware. Malware can come in many forms: trojan horses, phishing schemes, pharma hacks, email, or information scraping. Most often, the website owner is not even aware that they have been hacked. However, it’s in the search engine’s best interest not to show infected results, as they don’t want it to damage their integrity. There are several different categories for blacklisting, depending on why the website was blacklisted. For example, some websites are blacklisted for having spam, others for having phishing links, or more generically for having malware. We will dig deeper on types of blacklisting reasons below.

What does a malware blacklist look like?

Most of today’s browsers will present the user with their own unique variation of a site being blacklisted for malware. For example, you can check out Chrome’s blacklists here: chrome://interstitials/. The images below represent some of the more popular browsers and the warnings you can come to expect when a site is blacklisted. The red splash page, also known as an interstitial page, is designed to protect and deter the user from proceeding.

The following are some of the warning messages reserved for malware blacklists:

  • The Site Ahead Contains Malware!
  • Suspicious site
  • The site ahead contains harmful programs
  • This page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources
  • The Site Ahead Contains Malware!
  • Did you mean [site name]?
  • Is this the right site?
  • This website has been reported as unsafe
  • Deceptive site ahead

Not all messages above are from Google and not all browsers use the Google SafeBrowsing API to validate if a site is safe. Each warning is designed to inform you to exercise caution if you continue on to visit the website which has likely been hacked and blacklisted because it has been distributing malware.

How To Block Websites On Chrome

Understanding Google’s Security Warnings

Block site microsoft edge

“This site may be hacked”

This message is used to tell the user that Google believes a bad actor has made changes to the site by adding new pages in the form of spam. Visiting the site might redirect a visitor to a page showing various forms of spam links or spam pages.

This warning does not generate a red screen and shows exclusively in the Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERP). For more information on what to do if you see this warning visit the Google help pages.

Block Site Microsoft Edge

Google’s official explanation is: “You’ll see the message “This site may be hacked” when we believe a hacker might have changed some of the existing pages on the site or added new spam pages. If you visit the site, you could be redirected to spam or malware.”

“This site may harm your computer”

This message is used to tell the user that Google believes bad actors have made changes to the site that distributes and installs malicious software on the visitor’s machine. Visiting the site may cause irreparable damage to your device that can include a number of drive-by download attacks or trick the visitor into downloading malware, such as ransomware.

Block My Site

Google is pretty accurate when it suspects a website is distributing malware to its users. The classification generates a big red image when visiting the site across multiple browsers that use the Google SafeBrowsing API. For more information on what to do if you see this notification visit the Google help pages.

Google’s official explanation is: “You’ll see the message “This site may harm your computer” when we think the site you’re about to visit might allow programs to install malicious software on your computer.”

Blockbmy Site

Site Block Chrome Extension

Example of Blacklist Warning Messages and Alerts

Each browser uses their own messaging when flagging a site as being blacklisted. If you see the below messages on your site in search, it has been blacklisted:

  • This site may harm your computer
  • This site may be hacked
  • Deceptive site ahead
  • This website has been reported unsafe
  • The site ahead contains malware
  • The site ahead contains harmful programs
  • Phishing attack ahead
  • Suspicious site
  • This page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources
  • Warning: visiting this site may harm your computer
  • Deceptive website warning
  • Warning: potential security risk ahead
  • Software is preventing firefox from safely connecting to this site