Field 2 And 3

Welcome to the home page for Field II! Here you will findall the information about the program along with executables and examplesthat you can download.

Upgrade of server line. Dear Community, Thank you for your support on NavyField 2. As you know that we decided to provide minimal support on NavyField 2 at the moment until late 2018. This article describes how to suppress the Address 1 field, the Address 2 field, and the Address 3 field on any check report in Payables Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0, in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, or in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0. Upgrade of server line. Dear Community, Thank you for your support on NavyField 2. As you know that we decided to provide minimal support on NavyField 2 at the.

The Field IIpro parallel version has nowbeen released for use. It is found in versions forboth Matlab and Octave and it also exist in a C library versionusable for buidling stand-alone executables. More information aboutthe program can be found at: Field IIproin the left menu. Here you can also find a paper about the performance of Field IIpro.

Version 3.24 of Field II for widows has been released for Matlab 8.10. This mex file is compiled using the GNU gcc compiler and should hopefully fixthe problem with Field II under windows. Youcan find the code at: Download/For Matlab 8.20in the left menu.

You can now follow Field II on LinkedIn andpost comments and discussions. You can freelyjoin the group named: Field II Ultrasound Simulation Program, where news aboutnew version of Field II will be posted.

Field II is a program for simulating ultrasoundtranducer fields and ultrasound imaging using linearacoustics. The programs uses the Tupholme-Stepanishen methodfor calculating pulsed ultrasound fields. The programis capable of calculating the emitted and pulse-echofields for both the pulsed and continuous wave casefor a large number of different transducers. Alsoany kind of linear imaging can be simulated as well asrealistic images of human tissue. The programis running under Matlab on a number of differentoperating system (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), and the programs are currently free to useunder certain restrictions (see copyright).

Field 2 And 3 Types

The latest release of the program isversion 3.24 of May 12, 2014. Note that this code will work withMatlab 8.20 under Linux, Mac and Windows in 64 bits versions.

Note that for the Windows 64 bits version you have to havethe Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 run-time libraries for this version to work.This you can either get by installing the compiler and using mex -setupor download the Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 run-time libraries from the link:

The latest News is from May 24, 2014 aboutversion 3.24 of Field II for windows compiled with the GNU gcc compiler.

Field 23 In Swift

Why a new web-site? The University have decided to close downthe Linux server running this site in May 2012, and I had to find analternative. I was also increasingly getting tired of having yet anotherweb-addres that people should search to find. I have therefore decidedto privately host this web-address, and I hope to keep it alive as longas there is any interest in Field II, which I hope will be for a very longtime. If you have any comments or suggestions you can contact me


Jørgen Arendt Jensen

GF(2) (also denoted F2{displaystyle mathbb {F} _{2}}, Z/2Z or Z/2Z{displaystyle mathbb {Z} /2mathbb {Z} }) is the Galois field of two elements (GF is the initialism of 'Galois field'). Notations Z2 and Z2{displaystyle mathbb {Z} _{2}} may be encountered although they can be confused with the notation of 2-adic integers.

GF(2) is the field with the smallest possible number of elements, and is unique if the additive identity and the multiplicative identity are denoted respectively 0 and 1, as usual.

The elements of GF(2) may be identified with the two possible values of a bit. It follows that GF(2) is fundamental and ubiquitous in computer science.


GF(2) is the unique field with two elements with its additive and multiplicative identities respectively denoted 0 and 1.

Its addition is defined by the table below, which is the same as that of the logical XOR operation.


Each element equals its opposite, and subtraction is thus the same operation as addition.

The multiplication of GF(2) is defined by the table below, which is the same as that of the logical AND operation.


GF(2) can be identified with the field of the integers modulo 2, that is, the quotient ring of the ring of integersZ by the ideal 2Z of all even numbers: GF(2) = Z/2Z.


Because GF(2) is a field, many of the familiar properties of number systems such as the rational numbers and real numbers are retained:

  • addition has an identity element (0) and an inverse for every element;
  • multiplication has an identity element (1) and an inverse for every element but 0;
  • addition and multiplication are commutative and associative;
  • multiplication is distributive over addition.

Properties that are not familiar from the real numbers include:

  • every element x of GF(2) satisfies x + x = 0 and therefore −x = x; this means that the characteristic of GF(2) is 2;
  • every element x of GF(2) satisfies x2 = x (i.e. is idempotent with respect to multiplication); this is an instance of Fermat's little theorem. GF(2) is the only field with this property (Proof: if x2=x{displaystyle x^{2}=x}, then either x=0{displaystyle x=0} or x0{displaystyle xneq 0}. In the latter case, x must have a multiplicative inverse, in which case dividing both sides by x gives x=1{displaystyle x=1}. All larger fields contain elements other than 0 and 1, and those elements cannot satisfy this property).
Fields 23


Because of the algebraic properties above, many familiar and powerful tools of mathematics work in GF(2) just as well as other fields. For example, matrix operations, including matrix inversion, can be applied to matrices with elements in GF(2) (seematrix ring).

Any groupV with the property v + v = 0 for every v in V (i.e. every element is an involution) is necessarily abelian and can be turned into a vector space over GF(2) in a natural fashion, by defining 0v = 0 and 1v = v. This vector space will have a basis, implying that the number of elements of V must be a power of 2 (or infinite).

In modern computers, data are represented with bit strings of a fixed length, called machine words. These are endowed with the structure of a vector space over GF(2). The addition of this vector space is the bitwise operation called XOR (exclusive or). The bitwise AND is another operation on this vector space, which makes it a Boolean algebra, a structure that underlies all computer science. These spaces can also be augmented with a multiplication operation that makes them into a field GF(2n), but the multiplication operation cannot be a bitwise operation. When n is itself a power of two, the multiplication operation can be nim-multiplication; alternatively, for any n, one can use multiplication of polynomials over GF(2) modulo a primitive polynomial.

See also[edit]


  • Lidl, Rudolf; Niederreiter, Harald (1997). Finite fields. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications. 20 (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN0-521-39231-4. Zbl0866.11069.

Field 2 And 3 Digit

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