Max Msp Patch Download

Get projects up and running faster, explore new libraries, and make your workflow more efficient with Max Packages; curated & created by Cycling '74 and Max users like you.

  1. Max Msp Free
  2. Max Msp 8
  3. Max Msp Patch Download Torrent
  4. Max Msp Download

This download contains the TWITCH translator Max/MSP patch for user customisation/editing. An explanation video and example Ableton Live session will be available. CNMAT Externals objects for Max & MSP: Current release: Mac/Windows (32-bit + 64-bit) Earlier versions (Full set of releases) ODOT (OSC) objects for Max/MSP and PD: Current release: Mac/Windows (32/64-bit; upcoming release toward end of 2020 will be 64-bit only) Earlier versions (Full set of releases) MMJ Depot: CNMAT MMJ Depot Master zip.

Found in the File menu, the Package Manager is a simple interface that provides access to new content and allows you to manage your existing installed packages.

Only available inside Max

Packages can include but aren't limited to any of the following: Tools, objects, patches, or other content.


Jeff Kaiser | Website

jk.lpx is a set of abstractions made with standard Max objects for interacting with Novation's Launchpad X within the Max environment. Included in the Max Extras Menu are a set of example patches covering many possibilities.

Sadam Library

Adam Siska | Website

Tools for raw networking (TCP/UDP), data handling (XMLs, compression etc), maths (interpolation, number theory etc) and more!


Benjamin Van Esser | Website

Upshot is a package of audio effects, event generators, trackers, instruments and many other tools/utilities for building generative patchers.

jk.push 2

Jeff Kaiser | Website

jk.push 2 is a set of abstractions made with standard Max objects for interacting with Ableton’s Push within the Max environment. Please note: This package moves to argument-based abstractions and is not compatible with versions 1.1 and earlier of jk.push. There are a variety of example patches in the Max Extras Menu. If you have any questions, please contact me at These and other packages/patches can be downloaded from


Vidvox | Website
TorrentMax msp softwareMax

Jitter external that renders ISF files to OpenGL textures.


Daniele Ghisi | Website

dada: computer-aided composition and score generation for experimental, non-standard musical practices and research. IMPORTANT: requires you have installed the packages Bach v0.8.1 and Cage v0.6 or higher.

Max Msp Free

HISSTools Impulse Response Toolbox (HIRT)

Alex Harker, Pierre Alexandre Tremblay, CeReNeM, The University of Huddersfield | Website

A set of tools for working with convolution and impulse responses in Max. This set of objects addresses various tasks, including realtime zero-latency convolution, measuring impulse responses, spectral display from realtime data or buffers, and buffer-based convolution, deconvolution and inversion.

Max Msp 8


Cycling '74 | Website

The GL3 package brings support for OpenGL core profile and modern GLSL to the Jitter rendering engine.

Max Msp Patch Download Torrent


IRL Labs | Website

A library of machine learning externals and feature extraction externals for Max and Pure Data. ml-lib is primarily based on the Gesture Recognition Toolkit by Nick Gillian

Max Msp Download


Jeyong Jung, Johan van Kreij, Peter Pabon, Sohrab Motabar | Website

Patches and objects for Algorithmic Composition and statistical processes

Delicious Tutorials

Sam Tarakajian | Website

The Delicious Max tutorial series, as a Max package


Cycling '74 | Website


Cycling '74 | Website

Lightweight reference implementation of a package built using the Min-API.