Exercises 110sindarin Lessons

Draw a simple house with a tree next to it and a horizon. Then draw a sun just rising over the horizon. Teach/Elicit 'morning' and chorus 3 times. Next, erase the sun and draw the sun high up in the sky and teach/elicit/chorus 'afternoon'. Then draw the sun low in the sky on the other side of. These English lessons will show you how to say almost anything in daily English conversation. Get started now with our speaking, vocabulary and grammar exercises. Free English Course. An 18-week course (A1- A2 level) with all the basics of English grammar, vocabulary and speaking phrases. Plus, plenty of practice exercises!

Which tense is used for daily routines?

Answer: the present simple tense.

When talking about everyday, habitual activities we use the present simple tense. This shows that these are things we do on a regular basis.

The present simple tense for daily routines is formed as follows:

  • Use the present simple form of the verb, e.g. 'I eat breakfast at 7 o' clock.'
  • Use 's' or 'es' for 3rd person singular form (he, she, it), e.g. 'He plays video games after school', 'She watches T.V. in the evening'
  • For negatives, use the present simple form of the verb 'do' as follows: do/does + not + infinitive without to, e.g. 'I don'tdo homework on Saturdays', 'She doesn'tdrink tea in the morning'
  • For questions, use the present simple form of the verb 'do' as follows: do/does + subject + infinitive without to, e.g. 'Doyouplay rugby on Tuesdays?', 'DoesMariaeat lunch at school?'

This lesson will be drawing on aspects studied in a couple of previous lessons, so make sure it is taught after the telling the time lesson and the morning routines lesson.

Lesson Procedure:

Warm Up and Maintenance:

See our 'Warm Up & Wrap Up' page.

New Learning and Practice:

1. Introduce 4 times of the day: morning, afternoon, evening and night
Quickly introduce the 4 words by drawing a picture on the board:

  • Draw a simple house with a tree next to it and a horizon.
  • Then draw a sun just rising over the horizon. Teach/Elicit 'morning' and chorus 3 times.
  • Next, erase the sun and draw the sun high up in the sky and teach/elicit/chorus 'afternoon'.
  • Then draw the sun low in the sky on the other side of the house for 'evening'
  • And finally a moon and stars for 'night'

Next erase the moon and starts and invite a student up to the board. Say, 'Draw afternoon'. Help if necessary and have the student draw the sun high in the sky. Erase the sun and invite other students to draw the other times of the day.

2. Play 'Times of the day boxes' game
You will need to prepare 5 cardboard boxes and print the flashcards for morning, afternoon, evening, night, wake up, get up, eat breakfast, eat lunch, eat dinner, go to school, start school, go home, arrive home, watch TV, do homework, go to bed. You can also add some other flashcards for daily routines, such as brush teeth, play video games, etc. The more flashcards, the better.

Exercises 110sindarin lessons near me

On 4 of the boxes, stick one of the morning, afternoon, evening and night flashcards on the outside of each and place in different corners of your classroom. In the remaining box put lots of small objects, e.g. balls, bean bags, blocks, etc. and place in the middle of the classroom.

Model the activity: hold up one of the flashcards (e.g. 'get up') - say the word 'get up'. Then pick up an object from the object box and point to the 4 boxes around the room. Ask 'Which one?' and then go and drop the object into the morning box. Say 'morning' as you drop the object into the box.
Now let's start the game. Hold up a flashcard (any from the daily routines set) and shout out the verb (e.g. eat dinner). Get everyone to come up together, pick up an object and drop it in the correct box (make sure they say the time of the day word as they drop). Then proceed through all of the flashcards quickly as students rush around the classroom putting objects into the correct boxes. It may be the case that some students will need to visit two boxes for some activities (e.g. watch TV could be morning and evening) - this is fine.

Finally, ask everyone to guess which box has the most objects - then count out the objects in each box to see which is the winning time of the day!

3. Create a 'Times of the Day' chart on the board
If you don't have a board, you can use a large sheet of paper stuck to your wall. Draw a vertical and horizontal line to create 4 equal squares and title each square with 'in the morning', 'in the afternoon', 'in the evening' and 'at night' (see image below).

Exercises 110sindarin Lessons

Have your students copy the chart into their notebooks or onto a sheet of paper.

Next, your students are going to stick the daily routines flashcards onto the board. First model: take a random flashcard and show it to the class. Elicit the word (e.g. 'wake up') and stick it into the 'in the morning' section of your board. Write 'I wake up' next to it. Have your students write 'I wake up' into the corresponding square on their charts.

Then have different students come up to you and select a card (hold face down, fanned out, like a card trick). Have them stick the cards onto the board in the right section. For more advanced students you can help them write each sentence, otherwise the teacher can write the sentences next to the cards. Each time, have students copy onto their charts. Continue until all of the cards are on the board with sentences:

4. Add times to the 'Times of the Day' chart'
Your students will have studied telling the time in a previous lesson (see our Telling the Time lesson plan). We are going to add times to the chart.

Again, first model: point to 'I wake up' on the chart. Do the gesture for waking up (stretching, yawning, rubbing eyes) and then look at your watch. If you have a clock (either real or a craft clock - we have a great clock craft sheet on our crafts page: https://www.eslkidstuff.com/craftsheets.htm) you can hold this up. Set the time to 11:00 and say 'I wake up ... at 11 o'clock?'. Make sure everyone says 'Noooo!'. Then ask someone to move the clock hands to a more realistic time, such as 7:00. Write on the board, 'at 7 o'clock' after 'I wake up'. Chorus 'I wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning'. Get everyone to write the time that they wake up on their charts.

Now have students come up to you, change the time on your clock and write times on the board next to each flashcard (e.g. I eat lunch at 12 o'clock in the afternoon), and make sure these are being chorused and times are being written on the students' charts.

NOTE: For times that are not hourly (e.g. 6.30, 9.55, etc.) you need to decide whether to teach the full times (e.g. half past six, five to ten) or the digital version (six thirty, nine fifty-five).

5. Play the 'Daily Routines Memory Game'
Erase the chart from the board and take off the flashcards. Put students in pairs and get them to swap charts. Students are going to test each other on the times they do things.

Make sure you model with 2 students first:

Learn Sindarin Elvish

Student A: selects a sentence on Student B's worksheet (e.g. I do homework at 6 o'clock). S/He does the action of doing homework (e.g. writing in an imaginary notebook).

Student B: must guess the action and say the exact sentence on their chart (e.g. 'I do homework at 6 o'clock in the evening').

Exercises 110sindarin Lessons For Beginners

Then it is Student B's turn to select a sentence and do the action. Pairs keep going until they have done all of the sentences on their charts. Make sure students don't allow their partners to get away with mistakes - if they get the time wrong, make them guess again!

6. Do the 'What time do you ...? (Survey)' exercise
Give each student the survey worksheet and explain that they are going to ask 6 people in the class (or less, depending on class size) about their daily routines on school days. Before starting, go through the survey sheet with everyone and make sure they write an additional activity on the last row. Then model with a student, showing writing their name at the top of the column and asking and answering questions using the following structure:

Student A: What time do you (wake up)?
Student B: I (wake up) at (7 o'clock) (in the morning).

Have students stand up and mingle, filling in their surveys.

7. Daily Routines Theater
Now let's do a fun activity - your students will make a short theater play! Pair up students but make sure each pair has surveyed the other in the previous activity. They are going to use their survey sheets to make a short play.

For each pair, one student will act out their day whilst the other is the narrator (using the survey to make the narration). Give each pair 5 minutes to practice before coming up to the front of the class and acting out their daily routines, for example:

Exercises 110sindarin Lessons Activities

Ken (narrating): Hello, my name is Erika!
Erika: (waves to audience)
Ken: I wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning.
Erika: (Pretends to sleep, wake up, stretch and yawn, etc.)
Ken: I eat breakfast at 7:30 in the morning.
Erika: (Pretends to eat cereal, drink juice, etc.)

Encourage students to make their plays funny and also allow them to add extra parts (e.g. play video games, read a book, ride a bike, etc.).

At the end, get everyone to vote for their favorite play.

8. Read classroom reader 'Tom's Cat'
Let's end with a nice story which reinforces the lesson vocab and structures. Before class, download and print off the reader 'Tom's Cat'. As you go through each page, point to the pictures, elicit each routine action, elicit times on the clocks and times of the day and ask if your students do those things at that time or time of day, for example:

Teacher: What time is it? (pointing at the alarm clock on page 3)
Students: 8 o'clock!
Teacher: Yes, 8 o'clock! At night?
Students: No, in the morning!
Teacher: And what does Tom's cat do at 8 o'clock in the morning?
Students: He sleeps!
Teacher: Yes, how about you Hugo? Do you sleep at 8 o'clock in the morning?
Student (Hugo): No, I don't.
Teacher: Look at Tom. What does he do at 8 o'clock in the morning?
Students: He wakes up!
Teacher: That's right! And what does he do next?
Students: He eats his breakfast and brushes his teeth ...

Get the students really involved in the story by asking lots of questions and getting them to tell you about their daily routines.

After reading the story, give out a reader worksheet to each student and read through the story one more time (without stopping for questions, etc.) as students fill in the missing verbs and write the times. Then go through the answers as a class.


Alternatively, watch our video version of the reader (Internet connection required):

Wrap Up:

1. Assign Homework: 'My Day 3' worksheet.
2. Wrap up the lesson with some ideas from our 'Warm Up & Wrap Up' page.

The average adult can sit and just listen for about 20 minutes. After that, any lecture tends to lose its punch. What’s an instructor to do? Talk faster? Simply hit the highlights? No, of course not. By building active learning techniques into the structure of the class, any instructor can improve his or her class.

Following are 25 ways to engage participants in a lecture-based program or lecture module in a training seminar.

Question for Another Group

In this activity, participants are divided into groups of 4 to 7 people. Together, they develop between 1 and 3 questions for another group to answer based on the presented material. Once all of the questions are written, they are switched among groups and then answered.

How to Use this at Work

In groups of 2 to 7 people, have participants list ways that they will use the presented material back at work. If the group cannot come up with any application, you can throw their problem out to the whole group. If nothing develops, move on. Be aware of the anomaly, however. If this happens repeatedly, it may indicate the course is not appropriate for the audience.

Case Studies

Exercises 110sindarin Lessons

Divide the class into groups of 2 to 7 people. Have them answer between 1 and 3 case studies prepared by you, based on the material covered. This often works best if you tell them where in the workbook/book they can start looking to find/confirm the answers.

Stump the Trainer

Either in groups or individually, have the participants develop questions based on material presented for you to answer. They may either be basic or more complex. This activity will give you a good idea of how much detail and the level of difficulty they can handle.

Turn to Your Neighbor

When a portion of your lecture has ended, have participants turn to each other and discuss the two or three main points learned. This works best if you have them write down their answers. Most people will write when you tell them to. Writing the answers will keep them focused on the task of learning.

Quick Quiz

After a portion of your lecture has ended, pass out a short quiz of no more than 5 or 6 questions based on covered materials. Have participants answer the questions, and then go over them. For maximum interaction, you can then have them work in groups for a group answer before reviewing the answers yourself.

Fill in the Blank

This technique is a good one to use while you are lecturing. Simply leave blanks in your workbook or pass out worksheets with blanks for participants to fill in as you lecture. Most people don’t like to have empty spaces on their pages, so they will fill in the blanks with the information you provide.

Crossword Quiz

After a lecture segment, hand out a crossword puzzle quiz to each participant. Wait an appropriate amount of time for participants to complete the puzzle. The amount of time allowed will vary depending on the group’s education level and complexity of the puzzle. Consider giving a prize for the first correctly completed puzzle. To ensure participation or if you have a mixed group, you may want to have participants complete this activity in groups or pairs. You can find worksheet generators, fill in the blank, etc., at http://www.teach-ology.com/web_tools/work_sheets/ and


Find the Question | Find the Answer

In this activity, you give each participant either a question or its corresponding answer on an index card. Hand them out randomly. Next, instruct participants to stand up, move around, and find the person holding the matching question or answer.

You Read It. You Teach It

To add variety to your lecture modules, divide your participants into groups of 3 to 5 people. Pass out 2 to 3 pages of information to each. Allow between 12 to 20 minutes for groups to prepare their “mini lectures” on the material. Finally, let each group present the material. You can then add any needed information. This works well with non-technical topics.

Put It Together

When teaching a process, hand out index cards with a step of the process to each participant. Next, ask the participants to get themselves in order from beginning to end. Once they are in line, review each step of the process and make any adjustments that are needed. If the group is large, use a piece of cardstock with a keyword printed on the front and select a small number of people to complete the exercise in front of everyone else. The cardstock with the keyword will help those in the audience to stay involved in the process.

Four Questions

Post four flipcharts around the room, each with a different question. Divide your class into four groups. Instruct each group to stand next to one of the flipcharts. Next, give each a different colored marker and five minutes to answer their question. When the time is up, the groups rotate to the next question and add any additional information to the next chart with their colored marker. This activity will provide a physical pattern interruption and cut down on duplicate answers.

What I Find Most Difficult

This exercise is similar to Four Questions; however, instead of posting questions on the flipcharts, you list topics covered in your lecture. You then instruct participants to go stand next to the chart that lists the topic they find most difficult. Once at the appropriate chart, ask the participants to write down what is particularly difficult. When they are done, instruct them to sit down. Then go through each chart clarifying and reviewing areas of difficulty. This activity has the added benefit of telling you where your teaching is effective and where roadblocks are popping up.

Demonstrate and Graduate

A picture is worth a thousand words. A demonstration or a video is a worth a million. To illustrate your points, consider adding a demonstration or video segment where appropriate. Allow participants to take part in the demonstration. At the very least, have them answer questions about the demonstration or video seen.

Most | Least Useful

List six to seven uses for the information you have provided during your lecture on separate pieces of flipchart paper. Hang them around the room. Next, ask participants to stand next to the use they think is most applicable to them. Have them list why that is on the paper. Review the responses. Then, have them choose the use that is least applicable to them and repeat the exercise. During the second part, you can clarify misconceptions or gaps in learning regarding why a fact or application might be valuable.

Exercises 110sindarin Lessons Lesson

Best Summary

Divide participants into groups of 4 to 7 people. Pass out an index card to each group. Have them summarize the information you shared during your lecture on the card. Review each of the summaries when all groups are done. Write out a composite on a whiteboard, flipchart sheet, or overhead projector transparency and have the class copy it down in their notes. When using a workbook, leave space for this information.

Exercises 110sindarin Lessons Near Me


Before the lecture begins, pass out a pretest to each participant. Have them answer the questions to the best of their ability. Next, begin your lecture highlighting the correct answer to each of the questions as you go.


Most people like playing in this game show format. Divide your group into teams and have them create questions to the answers displayed on the wall/screen. To create the game, list the amounts on cardstock (e.g. $200, $400, $800, $1000) and the categories above those amounts. You will need 5 of each amount if you have 5 categories. Write the question (the answer) upside down on the reverse side of each card. Tape each card on the wall in the grid format. When a group provides a correct question, give them the card. At the end, total up all cards to determine the winner. If you have a projector on your computer, you can create the game with a PowerPoint template available from http://library.elearningtemplates.com.

What It Is | Why It’s Good | What Could Go Wrong

Divide your group into three teams. Have the first prepare a list of the key points you presented. Have the second create a list of ways in which they could use what you have presented. Have the third list what could happen if they don’t use what you have taught.

Best Answer

Divide your group into 3 to 5 teams. Give each group a paper bag and a stack of single-colored index cards. Each group should have its own color. Have each group develop a question for the other teams to answer and write that question on the outside of the bag. When all questions are ready, rotate the questions so that each group has one that it did not write. Next, each group should answer the question held on a colored index card. When done, the card should be placed in the bag and sent to the next group. After everyone has seen every question, the bags should return to their original authors. At this point, the groups should open the bags and evaluate the answers to their question. A total of ten points should be divided between the answers, more points going toward the better answers. Next, review all questions and answers. To wrap up the activity, total the number of points given to each group (e.g. the green card group got 12, the pink card group got 6, etc.). The group with the most points wins.


Use this activity during your lecture. List terms you are discussing on a BINGO card for each of the participants listening to your lecture. Once a participant gets a row, two rows, or whatever criterion you set, the game is over. For an online BINGO card creator, see http://www.bestteachersites.com/web_tools/materials/bingo/.

Practice Case (Roleplay)

Just don’t call them roleplays! Nobody seems to like roleplays, but practice cases are okay. Roleplays can work if they are done well. Often what works best is for a group to prepare for one of the parts and then to elect a representative to play that part in front of others. This reduces the risk and improves the participant’s potential for success because many people were involved in preparing for the exercise. It also decreases the likelihood that someone ended up doing a “roleplay” when they really didn’t want to.

Two Truths and a Lie

Divide your group into teams of 3 to 7 members. Have them develop and record on flipchart paper three statements about the material covered. Two should be true and the other false. Go around the room and have each group read its statements out loud. The other groups should identify on paper which statements are true and which are false. Review the answers when all statements have been presented.

Both Sides of the Issue

Sindarin Lessons Weebly

Post flipchart paper around the room with a large “T” covering most of the page. Leave room to write on the top of the “T.” List a topic on the top of each “T” and a question about the topic on each side of the page, directly underneath the main topic. For instance, a “T” on a lecture about presentation skills might have the words “Presentation Skills” on top of the “T,” “What makes a good presentation on the left side?” and “What makes a bad presentation on the right?” Divide your group into teams of 3 to 7 members. Have each team answer the chart questions and then report back to the group.

Crumpled Question Toss

This exercise works well if you are reviewing a lot of material. Give participants a piece of paper and have them each write a question about what has been discussed. Next, have them crumple the paper into a ball and throw it (gently) at another participant. Then have them open the question and record an answer. When all questions have been answered, re-crumple and throw. In this round, have the participants add any needed information to the answer given. Crumple and throw one more time. When the pages are opened, give each person an opportunity to read the questions and answers and add any comments they might have. To keep control of the room and to stay on task, ask for additional responses to any duplicate questions after each question is read. You can vary this exercise by beginning with prewritten questions on each page.